Hi! I'm Lindsey. I'm a Modern Holistic Wellness Coach! I freaking LOVE learning and teaching joyous balanced living to people just like YOU!



I realized for my own sake I needed a change. I looked down at my coffee table of detox, mindfulness and whole foods books and it hit me. People have been coming to me for health and wellness advice for years! These were conversations I truly enjoyed. Not only did I love researching and applying wellness techniques in my own life but knowing I could help someone else was the greatest feeling in the world. 

So here I am, honored to serve YOU! 

Ready to get started? I am! 

Well it all begins in the good ol' midwest (North Dakota to be exact) where I grew up. As a vegetarian and action sports fanatic, one could say I didn't really fit in. So naturally it wasn't long before I found myself right in the middle of the Southern California hustle. I was surrounded by so many inspiring go getters and the pressure to be "on" 24/7 was really starting to wear me down. This day and age many of us leave the office only to continue working once we get home. The emails never seem to stop. I  had gained 15 pounds, watched my relationships struggle and stopping doing many of the things I enjoyed simply because I was exhausted during any free time I did have.